Wednesday, 13 June 2012


"And I believe that good journalism, good television, can make our world a better place"
-Christiane Amanpour-

This course has re-establish in my mind of the power of journalism and, from this, the influential role the media possesses in the current world climate. I have always appreciated the degree of importance in the functioning of media outlets, and my love for broadcast television personalities has always been reflected in the programs I choose to watch. However, JOUR1111 taught me to look further than what is just presented to us (print, broadcast, radio etc.), and to see the methods by which the media uses in the portrayal of issues.

In looking back over the topics studied this semester, such as Old and New Media sources, text news sources, photo journalism, a sound lecture speaking of radio, Commercial and Public Media, ethics in the media, news values, agenda setting, investigative journalism and a lecture by a professional Blogger, it was evident of the degree to which we were introduced to varying media sources.

I feel I learnt a lot about the world of journalism in the study of the Media Agenda Setting. As already outlined in this blog, Media Agenda Setting is all about the way the mass media presents certain issues frequently and predominately. Ultimately, the more coverage an issues receives by the media, the more important it is deemed by the public. I really felt the presence of this concept in the portrayal of any news issues.
One of my favourite television news programs is A Current Affair, when watching this program I began to notice the presence of agenda setting. Their program has the ability to determine what is important in the public eye by the way and frequency of coverage on an issue.
Below is a clip from The Chasers War On Everything about the portrayal of people in the media. I feel this is a form of Agenda Setting in that the media reflects how the public should interpret the people by the way the issue is presented. The Chasers program has an excellent ability to point the agenda settings of the media.

Another element of this course I found highly interesting was the lecture centred around ethics. I enjoyed the structure of this lecture in that we were very involved in the deciding of whether the advertisements were in good or bad taste. In viewing a variety of comical advertisements and unethical or ethical television campaigns, I felt I really learnt of the transformation of what is deemed appropriate in the current media world. It amazed me how people reacted to different campaigns and advertisements which is addressed previously in this blog.

The final part of this course that I found educational was the study of Investigative Journalism. I am a very interested in the world of investigative journalism so I found this lecture incorporated a lot of what I plan to do after University. Therefore, this lecture was good for me.

I felt that a lot of the informational content of this course was obvious in that it is clear what a journalist is employed to do. The lectures that I found the most obvious were News Values (it was clear what would take priority in a news broadcast or article), as well as the lecture based on photo journalism. Even though the content was obvious in some cases, I felt it needed to be covered for myself, as a student, to grasp the entire concept of journalism.

Throughout this course we were asked to keep a blog that we updated after every lecture and tutorial that gave us time to reflect on the concepts learnt. At first I wasn't too keen on constant blogging, however I began to treat it like a personal diary, in that it became quite personal in its depth. We were told to include something in our blog that we loved, and this is why I wrote about shoes. I love journalism and I love shoes, so it didn't take long before I loved writing on my blog. The concept of blogging was an excellent idea for this course and it really allowed me to learn more about the topics of JOUR1111.

In conclusion, prior to commencing this course I was adamant that I wanted to do broadcast journalism, however, in just 12 short weeks, I have learnt of the diversity in journalism. I was always aware of there being print, online, broadcast or radio journalism, although the degree in change between each was always lost on me. The way you conduct yourself, the way you change the way you write, and the issues in which are covered are all so dramatically different between the many different media sources.
This course allowed me to fall deeper in love with journalism and helped me decide on my future occupation.


Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Commercialism in the Media

I found a link to the above YouTube clip on Steve Molks blog. Along with the humous means in which members of 'The Chasers War on Everything' have gone about this segment of their program, there is great depth in the connection of what is being portrayed and the content of this courses theory. It is the ability of the media to hide (not very well..) their advertising. It is amazing really - how greatly influential commercialism has become that we are viewing it on a constant basis, and some times we don't even realise.
After watching this, I did some researching in regard to 'The Hamster Wheel'. I was amazed at the amount of coverage the 'Chasers' have done on the way the media portrays a variety of elements. It was included of such things as:
-Muslims in the Media
-Science in the Media
-Celebrities in the Media
-Weather in the Media

All of it provided me with a change in the way I viewed the issue, a form of media agenda setting.

The clip that I was most intrigued at was the 'Muslims in the Media'. This clip addressed the wearing of the Burqa in comparing it to the wearing of a balaclava (in hiding your identity). The young boy who is centre of WIN News's investigation proves to be completely uneducated of the reasons behind the wearing of the Burqa, and ultimately comes off very negatively in the investigation.
This clip was also surprisingly interesting when it was made apparent that less then 1% actually wear the Burqa in Australia. Amazing really, when the Burqa had been of such top priority in the media for months.

I like the Hamster Wheel. It shows media in a new way, a way that promotes a different side.
I love media!


"All the news that's fit to print"

The final tutorial for this course was spent watching New York Times documentary called 
'Page One: Inside the New York Times'.
This documentary proves a sensational insight into the New York Times newsroom and speaks of the transformation of the media landscape in regard to new media. With the current decline in profitability for newspapers, as more and more people are turning to the Internet as their main news source, the print media industry has hit its greatest time of turmoil. Page One captures the exceptional journalistic skills of the journalists at the New York Times. This insight allowed me to appreciate the hard and important work of a print journalist.

One of my favourite people introduced in this movie is David Carr, the Media Equations columnist for the Monday business section that addressed media issues including print, digital, film, radio and television. He is a man who truly loves The Times and appreciates and adores his job. I admire him.
There is a moment in this documentary where Carr stops a man he is interviewing who is speaking incorrectly of the journalists at The Times, it is an awkward moment for the other people in the interview. However, it is a moment that accentuates David Carr's love for The Times. The interview is shown below.

I admire the courage Mr Carr possess to be able to take this action in this interview. It makes me fall more in love with journalism.


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

King of Blogging

The final lecture for this course invited King Blogger, Steve Molks, to speak with us in regard to what he knows best - blogging.

I found what he had to say quite interesting in relation to the degree of usage of New Media. This course had already addressed the importance and growth of forms of new media in the current media climate, however the ability to be paid to sit at home and write what you think about and what interests you seems highly unrealistic. However, as a Steve Molks made apparent, that is exactly what he does.

Mr Molks loves television, so that is exactly what his blog is about ( He includes everything he can about television - origins, programs, involved people, interviews etc. He is ultimately getting paid for doing what he loves. If I could be paid to buy shoes and write reviews on their performance or beauty than I know I would be living in paradise, but I don't think that is at all realistic, but maybe some day.

I gained a lot of knowledge in the power of social networking in this lecture. It was not at all as content based as previous lectures but it proved to educate me of the ability to promote a diversity in abilities for future employees. A blog can function as evidence of talent, it shows of something different to just being able to write an article or talk to a camera.
I liked the idea that my blog was teaching me new things and showing my new things to others.
Steve said that people have common interests, so maybe there is someone who cares about what I write in my blog, or appreciates my shoes as much as I do. Who knows.



I have owned these shoes for approximately 3 months and they are yet to be worn. I don't know what memory I wish for these to hold. I want it to be something great and beautiful, a memory that is perfectly happy and precious. I am waiting for a joyous moment, a time that I can reminisce on as a perfect day.
At the moment, they remind me of the day I purchased them. The day was spent in Brisbane city shopping with friends, similar to the daily outing of my favourite famous four best friends (Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda). Nothing greatly important happened in our day though. I don't want to see a boring moment in these shoes.
So for now, they stay untouched. They remain just another pair of shoes in my collection awaiting for the perfect moment to leave their shelf.
I will always remember there moment of stardom. I hope it is some time soon.


Investigative Journalism

Investigative journalism is crucial in the development of new found news. 
'Isn't all journalism meant to involve questioning, investigation of facts and opinions presented to us?"
-Ross Coulthart- (Australian Investigative Journalist)

Investigative journalism involves talent. I feel to be able to investigate appropriately on an issue of primary salience and controversy is a vital characteristic for a journalist. The following 'IN''s of INvestigative journalism were outlined in the lecture:
- INtelligence (well thought out and understood before thorough and poor investigation begins)
- INformed (know what you are going to be talking about and be aware of the contributing factors)
- INtuitive (rely on you gut instinct in reference to danger and security of yourself and the community)
- INside (be aware of what is actually going on with knowledge of inside information)
- INvest (put yourself out there and use all your personal contacts)
All these 'IN''s serve so much purpose in the means of investigating a story. Without these investigative characteristics, the investigating fails.

In this lecture we also looked at the deeper definitions and purpose of investigative journalism, being:
1. Critical and thorough journalism
CRITICAL = it's crucial that the journalist is an active participant in checking out the information for all stories.
was the main 
THOROUGH = Journalist makes a substantial effort. (ie. time spent, sources consulted, and thorough approach)

2. Custodians of conscience
'investigation takes society's morals and norms and holds breaches up to public scrutiny; in other words, what they call 'civic vice' is exposed for society to respond.'

3. To provide a voice for those without one and to hold the powerful to account.
This element is all about the giving power to the powerless, and a voice to the voiceless. The presence of Social Justice. 

4. Fourth Estate/ Fourth branch of Government/ "Watch Dog"

All these elements are powerful in the means of agenda setting and news values as mentioned in previous blogs. 

Attention was brought to this idea of 'Shoe Leather' journalism. Ultimately meaning wearing out the leather in your shoes by walking around and finding out what is actually going o. GET OUT THERE! let's face it, there wasn't always google and wikipedia. 
This ideology of being SCEPTICAL NOT CYNICAL is brought to life investigative journalism. 
Sceptical - 'taking things with a grain of salt'. Everything that is said, it is necessary to question its content.
Cynical - don't just completely disregard the information as false.

John Pilger is an Australian (International) Investigative Journalist who now makes films that expose mainly America's stuff ups over the years. He made a statement in regard to cutting through the agenda of the news.
"It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and myths that surround it."
I learnt from this of the power in changing the agenda of the media in finding new information to cover a story. I felt this was very evident in analysing historical investigative journalists work and how they have powerfully changed an agenda and the world!

In 1826 Edward Hall Smith made a history defining move in the development of investigative journalism. He campaigned against the official corruption and ill treatment of convict labour in his print called "The Sydney Monitor". Smith was sent to jail. Such a change in investigative journalism!
Another Trailblazer in investigative journalist history that I felt stood out to me in this lecture was "The Moonlight State". I was so interested in the details of this case that I was amazed I hadn't shown any interest in it earlier. It was highlighted of the contribution from so many people in the coverage of this investigation and how important it was in the media. The two years of investigation was so worthwhile in revealing this story to the public. Oh how I love journalists!

Local investigative journalism sources include:
-the global mail
-the CRICKEY website
-Australian Story

The lecture stated an old journalism saying that I found very accurate,
'If your mum says she loves you, check it out!"
Ultimately this teaches aspiring journalists to assume nothing, to always check your facts and expect whistleblowers to be/go crazy. I liked these three little rules of investigative journalism, they were so true! 

The varying types of investigative interaction are fairly obvious, being interviews, observations, documents, briefings, leaks, trespassing and theft. (Some legal, some not to legal..)

In looking at present threats to investigative journalism, it is considered of the influence of Online News. The lecture addressed this issue in saying:
Less money = less journalists + less time (which ultimately leads to) LESS INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM! 
Another threat included the fight between Journalism and PR. 
PR being the propaganda by truths in the form of a persuasive case.
Journalism being verifying the facts in the public eye. 


I believe that investigative journalism can't die. We need it! Sure with the adaptations of social networking, the way in which we consume media and interpret it is altered, but the investigative side is crucial in uncovering hidden stories. 

In conclusion, it was looked at of the changes in PR with Journalism. 
-resistance to exposure
-dodging questions
-massaging talent
-cleaning up stories (spin)
-no intervention
-no shoe leather
-lack of depth
-formulaic reporting

I appreciate journalism. Investigative journalism takes talent and skill, a talent and skill I want to learn to do well. 


My Vans

My favourite colour is pink.
My favourite thing is shoes.
So it would make sense for me to love pink shoes. I do love pink shoes.

I have many pairs of pink shoes, but I do own a very special pair.

These are my pink vans. I found them behind the counter in a Melbourne skate shoe shop. They claimed they were the first to get them in stock in Melbourne and they weren't going to be put on the shelf till the following day - but the man liked me enough to let me be an exception.
My pink vans remind me of a time when I was able to spend an entire weekend with two of the greatest people God ever created. I hadn't seen my childhood best friends for six years, and seeing them was a very special time for me.
These two girls deserved to be remembered through an important pair of shoes as they are important to me.
These shoes don't juts capture a moment or a memory - they great an emotion. They make me happy because they make me think of a time where I stood alongside my two best friends.

Shoes have more power than what people give them credit for.
